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Arenthyor Updates
1) On Hiatus |
2) New Quest |
Arenthyor is going on hiatus beginning on or about 8/1. The website and forums will remain active during this extended downtime. For the latest update, visit the forum thread. Be on the lookout for an exciting event when we return! Thank you for your patience!
The Highlands, a feral land where only the heroic or foolhardy tread (or both!), have become even more dangerous as the Scabbardrock Tor in the Godsheath lands and its impenetrable stone doors, have been rumored to have been breached. Who would dare to search for the secrets they hold? |
3) Search for Secrets & Names |
4) New Land
Use your Oculus Loop for find more than just secret compartments in treasure chests. Now, you can search the ground around you to find items, chests, creatures, useful information, or...wait for it.... secret doors!! These secret doors can lead to treasure rooms or even quick shortcuts to the end of a dungeon!
A new land has appeared off the coast of Arenthyor...the Eroded Isle. It is said to serve as a refuge for the salty pirate clans who sail the Bloodmoor for pillage and plunder. The isle is also said to be home to stranger (and more dangerous) denizens than just pirates, though...
If that's too much danger for you, you can try to venture out past the Lowland Swamps and into the Lowlands. There, you'll find more adventure than you can shake your sword at while exploring the lost Stoneground Cairn, the Tainted Hall, or the Abandoned Khanstone Quarry! |
About Arenthyor
Arenthyor is a Neverwinter Nights roleplaying persistent world server blending some of the best roleplaying you can find with high adventure.
It is a challenging world that will make you rethink what you think you know about NWN. Expect the unexpected and never take your safety for granted! Arenthyor's rich, detailed backstory provides unlimited inspiration for your roleplay and a welcoming community in which to tell your character's story. |
Special features that make Arenthyor unique:
Shape the World - Your roleplay will help determine how the world changes, looks, and expands.
Unique Destiny System - Your fate is up to you, but you must always answer to the Fates. Choose a destiny for your PC using Arenthyor's unique destiny system and fulfill your dreams! Dynamic Alignment, Racial, and Deity System - Who you are and who you serve matters in Arenthyor. The world hangs in the balance and whoever can manage to hold sway in the land by "claiming" the most dungeons for the party's alignment, race, and/or deity will enjoy generous benefits. Woe to all others! |
Arenthyor's Randomized Dungeons - Arenthyor's unique system of randomized dungeons virtuall ensures that you won't be running through the same old scripted dungeon over and over again.
Arenthyor's Unique Bosses - Arenthyor's unique system dynamically creates quest bosses so you're almost guaranteed never to fight the same boss twice. Earn Accolades - Earn special awards for striking the killing blow to rare and unique monsters as part of Arenthyor's unique accolade system Beware the rust monster! Or, maybe you'll become a fabled Dragonlord. |
Arenthyor, An Introduction...
An age and more has passed since the "Riftening" that tore the world in two. Life, changed as it was, has moved on. What was catastrophic then is only tragic history to most now.
The world has changed. |
The land has changed. |
Elves and other fey retreated from the land to their mysterious island homeland just prior to the cataclysm and are now rarely seen by those they left behind. For the best, most would say. Even after an age, distrust and hostility still run deep against the ancient race. In the wake of the Elflight and subsequent Riftening, those unlucky enough to survive suffered a hardscrabble existence and are only now beginning to build civilizations of their own while the once proud elven cities lie in rubble and ruin.
A horrific scar, known as the Great Rift, serves as a reminder of the day when everything that was became no more. The wound divided the continent in twain. Survivors mostly fled to the new eastern continent, known as Arenthyor, abandoning to utter chaos that which became known as the Veiled Lands in the west. These days, rumors of beasts which existed only in nightmare and myth before, are now common campfire talk.
Magic has changed. |
Destinies have changed. |
Once the sole province of the land's fey stewards, magic has been rediscovered by the "lesser" races. However, the wounding of the land that caused the Great Rift also wounded the arcane energy of the land. Magic has become unpredictable - it can sputter and die or spin out of control without warning.
From the ruins of the old world, new powers rise. Serving the light or the dark, the lure of Destiny drives opportunistic adventurers to brave the capricious Fates and roll the dice with their lives while the gods themselves watch in eager anticipation. Win or lose, the fate of the new age of Arenthyor rests on the scales of destiny. Waxing or waning. Rising or falling. Ascending or descending.