The Known Cities of Arenthyor

Arenthyor offers a vibrant world. There is a broad landscape of cities, each complete with significant history and lore that players can visit in addition to the hundreds of quest/adventure areas. The key cities in Arenthyor are:
Bastion - the 'new' human city struggling to find its place in the world despite being founded in a swamp and under constant assault from creatures outside its high walls.
Khanstone Delve: The ornate dwarven citadel with deep, dark mines beneath
Bloodmoor Clans: Home of the monsterous races and the comprised of three clans who may or may not be warring with each other. They live in caves overlooking the Rift and are immune to the maddening effects of the mist that clings to the edge. The Bloodmoor Fangs are generally related to orcs, while the Gore clan are generally related to lizards. The Claws will take anyone as long as you will kill in their name.
Mount Deephill: Gnomish fortress city of science and tinkering gone mad.
Brushfellow Shire: A safe-haven in the Highlands, the shire is fiercely protected by the Shirestalkers, which allow the common hin to focus on the good times and good friends that are needed in the dark days.
Mef'Ezzad: The underground home of duergar, svirfneblin, illithids, and other deinzens of the deep where life isn't about 'who you know', it's about 'who you need to kill'.
Sigil: The City of Doors in the planar outlands under the stern rulership of the Lady of Pain. All worlds can be accessed through its portals. Trouble is...which one goes where?
Shining Citadel: Home of the fey races in Ithaeria, which is separate and apart from the rest of the world and lorded by the Thrones of the Eight Cycles
Cheath Er'Sadria: Underground home of the drow, situated within the world of Ithaeria with other fey. Although ensconced in their own home and tolerated in the surface world and the Shining Citadel, they drow are ever as plotting and treacherous as they have been known to be.
Look at the map for an understanding of where each of the cities in Arenthyor are known to be situated. Some cities, such as Sigil and Ithaeria, are not reflected on the map as their location (and even their existence) are unknown to the inhabitants of the continent of Arenthyor.
Bastion - the 'new' human city struggling to find its place in the world despite being founded in a swamp and under constant assault from creatures outside its high walls.
Khanstone Delve: The ornate dwarven citadel with deep, dark mines beneath
Bloodmoor Clans: Home of the monsterous races and the comprised of three clans who may or may not be warring with each other. They live in caves overlooking the Rift and are immune to the maddening effects of the mist that clings to the edge. The Bloodmoor Fangs are generally related to orcs, while the Gore clan are generally related to lizards. The Claws will take anyone as long as you will kill in their name.
Mount Deephill: Gnomish fortress city of science and tinkering gone mad.
Brushfellow Shire: A safe-haven in the Highlands, the shire is fiercely protected by the Shirestalkers, which allow the common hin to focus on the good times and good friends that are needed in the dark days.
Mef'Ezzad: The underground home of duergar, svirfneblin, illithids, and other deinzens of the deep where life isn't about 'who you know', it's about 'who you need to kill'.
Sigil: The City of Doors in the planar outlands under the stern rulership of the Lady of Pain. All worlds can be accessed through its portals. Trouble is...which one goes where?
Shining Citadel: Home of the fey races in Ithaeria, which is separate and apart from the rest of the world and lorded by the Thrones of the Eight Cycles
Cheath Er'Sadria: Underground home of the drow, situated within the world of Ithaeria with other fey. Although ensconced in their own home and tolerated in the surface world and the Shining Citadel, they drow are ever as plotting and treacherous as they have been known to be.
Look at the map for an understanding of where each of the cities in Arenthyor are known to be situated. Some cities, such as Sigil and Ithaeria, are not reflected on the map as their location (and even their existence) are unknown to the inhabitants of the continent of Arenthyor.