Get your hands dirty.
Simply put, there are 2 ways to craft in Arenthyor
1) Copy-crafting (creating more of something you have)
2) Enhancing items (adding magical properties to something you have)
1) Copy-crafting (creating more of something you have)
2) Enhancing items (adding magical properties to something you have)
Copy-Crafting Explained
While delving deep into the Choke Hills, you stumble across a hidden cache guarded by an evil behir. After an intense fight, you barely manage to strike a mortal blow moments before the beast was to crush you in its jaws and fill your body with deadly lightning. After a few moments to find your breath and staunch the bleeding, you investigate the lair and discover, to your delight and surprise, a rare potion of healing that is almost never found in Arenthyor.
Rather than quaff the precious elixir despite your grievous wounds, you gingerly wrap it in lambskin and pack it safely into your pouch for the return trip, satisfied that not only have you lived to fight another day and bested a great creature, but you have discovered a treasure more valuable than all the coins and gems that also littered the floor of the lair.
Why not consume the precious potion right then and there? Because rare potions have so much more value as a crafting components than the fleeting benefits they confer upon consumption. By using that 'original' potion as a basis to create 'copies' of that same potion, a single potion can be used to create many, many duplicates.
What can be copy-crafted? Potions, wands, scrolls, ammunition, weapons, armor, traps, etc...
What's more, 'Crafter' characters have the potential to become quite sought-after and wealthy from their expertise in crafting, especially potions. They can rise to become powerful merchants who supply items to other characters who cannot find them on their own.
How does it work? Well, it's pretty simple:
1) Find an original item (say a potion of Cure Serious Wounds. Note that copied items CANNOT be used to make more copies)
2) Make sure you meet the racial requirements to craft the item (see below)
3) Make sure you have the required feat to craft the item (see below)
4) Purchase a crafting box (available at most magic merchants)
5) Find a forge that is dedicated to crafting that type of item craft the item (these are usually in the faction areas)
6) Put your item into the crafting box.
7) Make sure you have enough gold to cover the cost of creating the number of copies you want. The forge can tell you how much gold it will cost.
8) OPTIONAL: To increase your chances of success, use skill points for applicable items in those skills (see below)
9) Interact with the forge and select the number of copies you want
10) Each attempt to copy an item will require a successful roll against the item's DC (which is based upon the value of the item -- more valuable items are harder to copy-- so if you want 10 copies, that's 10 attempts to copy your original). Any relevant skill points added to your D20 roll to see if you beat the DC. Each successful roll creates a copy and costs a certain amount of gold. Each unsuccessful roll does not create a copy yet still costs some gold (but less than the cost of a successful roll). If you spectacularly fail your attempt, there's a chance that your original is destroyed in the process. If that happens, your original is destroyed. You would retain the copies you had created up to that point, but no more checks would be made and the copy process is halted.
11) Cross your fingers and pray to the Fates that you don't lose your original
If there are feats relevant to an item to be copy-crafted, a character must have those feats in order to craft the item
Feats required
1) Brew Potion is required to, well, brew potions.
2) Craft Wand is required to, ahem, craft wands.
3) Scribe Scroll is required to, erm, scribe scrolls.
If there are available skills relevant for an item to be copy-crafted, the amount of skill points a character has in those skills will be added to their D20 roll when determining whether crafting a copy of an item is successful
Craft Armor
Craft Trap
Craft Weapon
Spellcraft (for wands and scrolls)
Racial Requirements
Within Arenthyor, certain races have developed mastery over the crafting of commodities. This creates an economy unique and special to each group that may have influence in how one nation interacts with another nation based upon it's need for scarce resources. Because the Fey races are ancient and separate, they have developed mastery over all types of crafting.
Armor: Dwarves, Fey
Potions: Gnomes, Fey
Grenade-like items: Gnomes, Fey
Ammunition: Halforc, Fey
Poisons: Halforc, Fey
Traps: Halflings, Fey
Wands/Staves: Humans, Half-Elves, Fey
Scrolls: Hunans, Half-Elves, Fey
Traps: Halfling, Fey
Lockpicks: Halfling, Fey
Rather than quaff the precious elixir despite your grievous wounds, you gingerly wrap it in lambskin and pack it safely into your pouch for the return trip, satisfied that not only have you lived to fight another day and bested a great creature, but you have discovered a treasure more valuable than all the coins and gems that also littered the floor of the lair.
Why not consume the precious potion right then and there? Because rare potions have so much more value as a crafting components than the fleeting benefits they confer upon consumption. By using that 'original' potion as a basis to create 'copies' of that same potion, a single potion can be used to create many, many duplicates.
What can be copy-crafted? Potions, wands, scrolls, ammunition, weapons, armor, traps, etc...
What's more, 'Crafter' characters have the potential to become quite sought-after and wealthy from their expertise in crafting, especially potions. They can rise to become powerful merchants who supply items to other characters who cannot find them on their own.
How does it work? Well, it's pretty simple:
1) Find an original item (say a potion of Cure Serious Wounds. Note that copied items CANNOT be used to make more copies)
2) Make sure you meet the racial requirements to craft the item (see below)
3) Make sure you have the required feat to craft the item (see below)
4) Purchase a crafting box (available at most magic merchants)
5) Find a forge that is dedicated to crafting that type of item craft the item (these are usually in the faction areas)
6) Put your item into the crafting box.
7) Make sure you have enough gold to cover the cost of creating the number of copies you want. The forge can tell you how much gold it will cost.
8) OPTIONAL: To increase your chances of success, use skill points for applicable items in those skills (see below)
9) Interact with the forge and select the number of copies you want
10) Each attempt to copy an item will require a successful roll against the item's DC (which is based upon the value of the item -- more valuable items are harder to copy-- so if you want 10 copies, that's 10 attempts to copy your original). Any relevant skill points added to your D20 roll to see if you beat the DC. Each successful roll creates a copy and costs a certain amount of gold. Each unsuccessful roll does not create a copy yet still costs some gold (but less than the cost of a successful roll). If you spectacularly fail your attempt, there's a chance that your original is destroyed in the process. If that happens, your original is destroyed. You would retain the copies you had created up to that point, but no more checks would be made and the copy process is halted.
11) Cross your fingers and pray to the Fates that you don't lose your original
If there are feats relevant to an item to be copy-crafted, a character must have those feats in order to craft the item
Feats required
1) Brew Potion is required to, well, brew potions.
2) Craft Wand is required to, ahem, craft wands.
3) Scribe Scroll is required to, erm, scribe scrolls.
If there are available skills relevant for an item to be copy-crafted, the amount of skill points a character has in those skills will be added to their D20 roll when determining whether crafting a copy of an item is successful
Craft Armor
Craft Trap
Craft Weapon
Spellcraft (for wands and scrolls)
Racial Requirements
Within Arenthyor, certain races have developed mastery over the crafting of commodities. This creates an economy unique and special to each group that may have influence in how one nation interacts with another nation based upon it's need for scarce resources. Because the Fey races are ancient and separate, they have developed mastery over all types of crafting.
Armor: Dwarves, Fey
Potions: Gnomes, Fey
Grenade-like items: Gnomes, Fey
Ammunition: Halforc, Fey
Poisons: Halforc, Fey
Traps: Halflings, Fey
Wands/Staves: Humans, Half-Elves, Fey
Scrolls: Hunans, Half-Elves, Fey
Traps: Halfling, Fey
Lockpicks: Halfling, Fey
Item Enhancement Explained
From within the darkened hall, the sounds of ominous chanting wafts beneath the stout locked and banded door like the cloying incense that burns your nose. You pace back and forth outside, tracing the same pattern as you have for the past several hours, for the past several days. Finally, as the chanting rises to its culmination, a powerful rumbling shakes the very tower, the stones of the walls and floors straining against the pull of energy that floods the room beyond the door. A giant flash of light frames the door and strikes you blind for a moment or two as silence reigns.
As the moments pass like days, you hear movement on the other side of the door and the door swings outward. Standing there, looking more gaunt than you had last seen her, is the priestess who agreed to help you. Weakly, she smiles and brings forth a sword. Your sword. It shines with a holy light it had not had when you gave it to her. Then, it was a mere blade of steel. Now, bathed in the light of the Gods, the gleaming weapon is enhanced with divine power to lay low all creatures of undeath. In reverence, you take the blade from her and test its balance. Perfect. With a heartfelt bow and thanks, you sheath the sword in its scabbard and head toward the boneyard, for night is falling.
Enhancing items is the process of adding additional properties (arcane or divine) onto an existing item. Wizards and sorcerers can add arcane properties, while clerics add divine properties.
Enhancing a weapon is a powerful ability and takes a toll upon the enchanter. The process is extremely expensive and requires a certain amount of experience points to be taken. If the enchanter is not willing to sacrifice his/her own experience, he may ask the character for which the item is desired to supply the required experience.
As the moments pass like days, you hear movement on the other side of the door and the door swings outward. Standing there, looking more gaunt than you had last seen her, is the priestess who agreed to help you. Weakly, she smiles and brings forth a sword. Your sword. It shines with a holy light it had not had when you gave it to her. Then, it was a mere blade of steel. Now, bathed in the light of the Gods, the gleaming weapon is enhanced with divine power to lay low all creatures of undeath. In reverence, you take the blade from her and test its balance. Perfect. With a heartfelt bow and thanks, you sheath the sword in its scabbard and head toward the boneyard, for night is falling.
Enhancing items is the process of adding additional properties (arcane or divine) onto an existing item. Wizards and sorcerers can add arcane properties, while clerics add divine properties.
Enhancing a weapon is a powerful ability and takes a toll upon the enchanter. The process is extremely expensive and requires a certain amount of experience points to be taken. If the enchanter is not willing to sacrifice his/her own experience, he may ask the character for which the item is desired to supply the required experience.