Speak your mind.
Arenthyor uses advanced language, emote, and command options that allow players to access an array of commands simply by typing them into the chat bar. We also offer a traditional "emote wand" inventory item, but the commands available through the chat bar expand on what you can do as a player without having to activate a special item.
Other features:
1) Create Custom Metachannels: Metachannels are custom chat channels that you can create and control. They are very similar to a private party channel, in that you control who is in your metachannel via invites. You may invite whomever you like, however, and are not limited to the members of your party. There is no set number of metachannels; rather, a metachannel is created whenever you want it. The first invite sent out determines who the 'leader' of the metachannel is. When that invite is accepted, the inviter becomes the leader of a new metachannel. From that point on, any messages that any member types that begin with '/m' will be sent to every member of the metachannel, via the combat log. A practical example of a good use of a metachannel would be for guild use, so you can communicate privately with other guild members while still in other parties for questing, etc...
2) Roll Dice: Roll d4 - d100 via the chat bar. You also have a dicebag in your inventory to help with this.
3) Roll Skills: Roll skill checks via the chat bar, including rolling against a specified DC to determine success or failure.
Other features:
1) Create Custom Metachannels: Metachannels are custom chat channels that you can create and control. They are very similar to a private party channel, in that you control who is in your metachannel via invites. You may invite whomever you like, however, and are not limited to the members of your party. There is no set number of metachannels; rather, a metachannel is created whenever you want it. The first invite sent out determines who the 'leader' of the metachannel is. When that invite is accepted, the inviter becomes the leader of a new metachannel. From that point on, any messages that any member types that begin with '/m' will be sent to every member of the metachannel, via the combat log. A practical example of a good use of a metachannel would be for guild use, so you can communicate privately with other guild members while still in other parties for questing, etc...
2) Roll Dice: Roll d4 - d100 via the chat bar. You also have a dicebag in your inventory to help with this.
3) Roll Skills: Roll skill checks via the chat bar, including rolling against a specified DC to determine success or failure.
Below is a list of the emotes you can use via chat. They can be typed into any chat channel (party, talk, shout, etc.) and have the same effect in all of them. They are case insensitive. Most emotes also have a two-letter shortcut which may be used instead (shown in parentheses to the right of the emote).
-agree (-ag) -beg (-bg) -bend (-bn) -bored (-bo) -bow (-bw) -cantrip (-ca) -cast (-cs) -celebrate (-cl) -chat (-ct)
-cheer (-ch) -chuckle (-ck) -curtsy (-cy) -dance (-da) -dead (-dd) -demand (-dm) -die (-di) -dodge (-dg) -drink (-dr)
-drunk (-dn) -duck(dk) -exhausted (-ex) -fall (-fl) -fatigue (-fa) -fiddle (-fi) -fidget (-fg) -flop (-fp) -giggle (-gi)
-greet (-gr) -hooray (-hy) -hum (-hm) -laugh (-la) -meditate (-md) -mock (-mo) -nap (-np) -no -nod (-nd)
-peer (-pe) -plead (-pl) -pray (pr) -prone (-pn) -puke (-pu) -read (-re) -salute (-sa) -scan (-sn) -scratch (-sc)
-shift (-sh) -sing (-sg) -sip -sit (-si) -sleep (-sl) -smoke (-sm) -snore -spasm (-sp) -steal (-st)
-stretch (-sr) -stoop (-so) -swipe (-sw) -talk (-tl) -taunt (-ta) -threaten (-th) -tired (-ti) -vomit (-vm) -wave (-wa)
-whistle (-wh) -woozy (-wz) -worship (-wo) -yawn (-yw)
-agree (-ag) -beg (-bg) -bend (-bn) -bored (-bo) -bow (-bw) -cantrip (-ca) -cast (-cs) -celebrate (-cl) -chat (-ct)
-cheer (-ch) -chuckle (-ck) -curtsy (-cy) -dance (-da) -dead (-dd) -demand (-dm) -die (-di) -dodge (-dg) -drink (-dr)
-drunk (-dn) -duck(dk) -exhausted (-ex) -fall (-fl) -fatigue (-fa) -fiddle (-fi) -fidget (-fg) -flop (-fp) -giggle (-gi)
-greet (-gr) -hooray (-hy) -hum (-hm) -laugh (-la) -meditate (-md) -mock (-mo) -nap (-np) -no -nod (-nd)
-peer (-pe) -plead (-pl) -pray (pr) -prone (-pn) -puke (-pu) -read (-re) -salute (-sa) -scan (-sn) -scratch (-sc)
-shift (-sh) -sing (-sg) -sip -sit (-si) -sleep (-sl) -smoke (-sm) -snore -spasm (-sp) -steal (-st)
-stretch (-sr) -stoop (-so) -swipe (-sw) -talk (-tl) -taunt (-ta) -threaten (-th) -tired (-ti) -vomit (-vm) -wave (-wa)
-whistle (-wh) -woozy (-wz) -worship (-wo) -yawn (-yw)
Functional Emotes
Use the below functional emotes to take actions:
-pg :Teleport to the Player Glade (not permitted in certain areas or in combat)
-bs :Beseech your god. While in combat, performing this will call upon your deity's aid, who will measure your need and reputation and may respond (or not)
-ac :Armor check. If you feel your movement speed is unduly reduced, using this command will reset the speed to what it should be
-pg :Teleport to the Player Glade (not permitted in certain areas or in combat)
-bs :Beseech your god. While in combat, performing this will call upon your deity's aid, who will measure your need and reputation and may respond (or not)
-ac :Armor check. If you feel your movement speed is unduly reduced, using this command will reset the speed to what it should be
Arenthyor Languages
Below is a list of the languages that are available to characters. You will be automatically assigned an ability to speak one or more of these languages based on your race, alignment, class, faction, or other requirement. Listeners receive a Lore check to understand what language is being spoken, even if they don't speak the language themselves
Dwarven, Sigil Chant, Riftspeak, Aquan, Assassin Cant, Auran, Olde Arenthian, Ithaerian, Elven, Githyanki, Dopelganger, Warrior Code, Drow Sign, Duidic, Gnomish, Half-Elven Pidgin, Giant, Gnoll, Low Fey, High Dwarven, Ignan, Bloodmoor, Halfling, Drow, High Fey, Animal, Terran, Teant, Thieves Cant, Undercommon, Goblin, Troll, Thri-Kreen, Grimlock, Half-Orc, Kuo-Toan, Shirespeak, Orcish, Minotaur, Rakshasa, Stinger, Lizardman, Illithid Hive Mind, Hobgoblin, Draconic, Dueargar, Bugbear, Githzerai, Korred, Sahaguin, Yuan-ti, Pixie, Magic, Infernal, Sirensong, Svirfneblin, Psionic, Averial, Kobold, Necromantic, Abyssal, Ogre, Celestial, Leetspeak
To speak a language use the following commands:
1) !list alllanguages = Lists all the languages available
2) !list languages = Lists all the languages a player can speak, and explains the /l (oneliner) and !speak command uses.
3) /l = Speak a single line in the specified language. The command format is /l (name of language) (message). You can get a list of the languages your character is able to speak with the !list languages command.
4) !speak = Using this command makes you speak the language specified until you !speak another language or !speak common to speak normally again. You can get a list of the languages your character is able to speak with the !list languages command.
Dwarven, Sigil Chant, Riftspeak, Aquan, Assassin Cant, Auran, Olde Arenthian, Ithaerian, Elven, Githyanki, Dopelganger, Warrior Code, Drow Sign, Duidic, Gnomish, Half-Elven Pidgin, Giant, Gnoll, Low Fey, High Dwarven, Ignan, Bloodmoor, Halfling, Drow, High Fey, Animal, Terran, Teant, Thieves Cant, Undercommon, Goblin, Troll, Thri-Kreen, Grimlock, Half-Orc, Kuo-Toan, Shirespeak, Orcish, Minotaur, Rakshasa, Stinger, Lizardman, Illithid Hive Mind, Hobgoblin, Draconic, Dueargar, Bugbear, Githzerai, Korred, Sahaguin, Yuan-ti, Pixie, Magic, Infernal, Sirensong, Svirfneblin, Psionic, Averial, Kobold, Necromantic, Abyssal, Ogre, Celestial, Leetspeak
To speak a language use the following commands:
1) !list alllanguages = Lists all the languages available
2) !list languages = Lists all the languages a player can speak, and explains the /l (oneliner) and !speak command uses.
3) /l = Speak a single line in the specified language. The command format is /l (name of language) (message). You can get a list of the languages your character is able to speak with the !list languages command.
4) !speak = Using this command makes you speak the language specified until you !speak another language or !speak common to speak normally again. You can get a list of the languages your character is able to speak with the !list languages command.
Other Server Commands
These are the commands you can use via chat. They can be typed into any chat channel (party, talk, shout, etc.) and have the same effect in all of them. They are not case sensitive. Commands shown in green must either be sent via tell or targeted with the command targeter. You will be prompted to use the command targeter if you do not target via tell.
Dice Rolls
1) !d4 = Rolls a d4.
2) !d6 = Rolls a d6.
3) !d8 = Rolls a d8.
4) !d10 = Rolls a d10.
5) !d12 = Rolls a d12.
6) !d20 = Rolls a d20.
7) !d100 = Rolls a d100.
8) !partyroll = Does an arranged party loot split roll, if the command giver is the party leader.
Skill Checks
1) !skillcheck = Allows players to roll checks against a specific skill and DC. The command format is !skillcheck (skill#) (DC#) . Example: A DC 20 Discipline Check would be spoken as follows: !skillcheck 3 20 . The result will be displayed in floating text above the player. A list of skill numbers can be called up using the !skillslist command.
2) !Skillslist = Sends a list of the skills and matching skill numbers to the players combat log, for easy reference when using the !skillcheck command to do skill checks.
1) !metaaccept = Accepts an invitation to a metachannel.
2) !metadecline = Declines an invitation to a metachannel.
3) !metadisband = Removes every member of the metachannel. Only the leader of the metachannel can disband it.
4) !metainvite (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Invites the target of the tell to your current metachannel. If you are not in a meta chanel, a new channel will be created if that person accepts.
5) !metakick (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Kicks the target of the tell from your metachannel. Only the leader of the metachannel can kick people from it.
6) !metaleave = Removes you from your current metachannel.
7) !metalist = Lists the people in your metachannel.
8) /m = Sends the text entered after the channel designation to the player's metachannel.
1) !help = Lists the useable chat commands plus explanations.
2) !list emotes = Lists the useable chat emotes.
3) !list commands = Lists the useable chat commands.
4) !list ignored = Lists the players you have chosen to ignore.
5) !lfg = Announces that you are looking for a group in shout.
6) !delete (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Deletes the target character. It will ask for confimation by repetition of the command combined with the target's public cd key, as shown in the !playerinfo command.
7) !playerinfo (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Lists the target's Playername, CD Key, Classes, Experience, Experience Needed for Next Level, Area, and Partymembers. If used on yourself it also shows Diety, Subrace, Gold, and Gold Plus Inventory Value. You may hide all but your Playername and CD Key from other players by using the !anon command.
8) !anon = Hides your class, experience, area, and partymember information from other players using the !playerinfo command.
9) !unanon = Removes your anonymous staus, allowing other players to see your class, experience, area, and partymember information.
10) !ignore (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = You will not receive tells from the player you send this command to.
11) !unignore (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Removes ignore status.
Dice Rolls
1) !d4 = Rolls a d4.
2) !d6 = Rolls a d6.
3) !d8 = Rolls a d8.
4) !d10 = Rolls a d10.
5) !d12 = Rolls a d12.
6) !d20 = Rolls a d20.
7) !d100 = Rolls a d100.
8) !partyroll = Does an arranged party loot split roll, if the command giver is the party leader.
Skill Checks
1) !skillcheck = Allows players to roll checks against a specific skill and DC. The command format is !skillcheck (skill#) (DC#) . Example: A DC 20 Discipline Check would be spoken as follows: !skillcheck 3 20 . The result will be displayed in floating text above the player. A list of skill numbers can be called up using the !skillslist command.
2) !Skillslist = Sends a list of the skills and matching skill numbers to the players combat log, for easy reference when using the !skillcheck command to do skill checks.
1) !metaaccept = Accepts an invitation to a metachannel.
2) !metadecline = Declines an invitation to a metachannel.
3) !metadisband = Removes every member of the metachannel. Only the leader of the metachannel can disband it.
4) !metainvite (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Invites the target of the tell to your current metachannel. If you are not in a meta chanel, a new channel will be created if that person accepts.
5) !metakick (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Kicks the target of the tell from your metachannel. Only the leader of the metachannel can kick people from it.
6) !metaleave = Removes you from your current metachannel.
7) !metalist = Lists the people in your metachannel.
8) /m = Sends the text entered after the channel designation to the player's metachannel.
1) !help = Lists the useable chat commands plus explanations.
2) !list emotes = Lists the useable chat emotes.
3) !list commands = Lists the useable chat commands.
4) !list ignored = Lists the players you have chosen to ignore.
5) !lfg = Announces that you are looking for a group in shout.
6) !delete (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Deletes the target character. It will ask for confimation by repetition of the command combined with the target's public cd key, as shown in the !playerinfo command.
7) !playerinfo (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Lists the target's Playername, CD Key, Classes, Experience, Experience Needed for Next Level, Area, and Partymembers. If used on yourself it also shows Diety, Subrace, Gold, and Gold Plus Inventory Value. You may hide all but your Playername and CD Key from other players by using the !anon command.
8) !anon = Hides your class, experience, area, and partymember information from other players using the !playerinfo command.
9) !unanon = Removes your anonymous staus, allowing other players to see your class, experience, area, and partymember information.
10) !ignore (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = You will not receive tells from the player you send this command to.
11) !unignore (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Removes ignore status.