Arenthyor is an RP world.

The Lost Cities of the Fey. Abandoned and ruined, but magic still remains
Arenthyor uses a few House Rules to enable the highest amount of enjoyment and immersiveness when playing in the world of Arenthyor.
These are common sense rules and make sure that everyone has the same expectations and understandings. They help ensure your enjoyment and safety while promoting a stimulating environment in which to immerse yourself.
If you have any questions, please contact a DM. If you immerse yourself in the world, adopt an RP storythread for your character and let it develop in the world of Arenthyor, these rules will take care of themselves.
1) Enjoy Yourself and Respect Others
Many different people play here and are choosing to spend some of their free time in this world. They may have different play styles, so play with respect and be flexible.
2) RP, RP, RP
Arenthyor is an RP heavy world. Take control of your character's persona and engage in the world around you. To support this environment, no Out Of Character (OOC) talking is permitted at any time in the Talk Channel. In addition, the Shout Channel is for DM use only.
3) Balance of RP
Arenthyor is intended to be a place where you can make friends as well as slay dragons in an RP environment. As such, OOC chatting is permitted in the Party Talk channel. At the same time, players should maintain at least 80% of their chatting during a session in RP, allowing for 20% to be OOC in party chat. There is no restriction on player-specific tells sent during the game.
4) The DM word is final
The DMs are here to make your time enjoyable and as immersive as possible. They are volunteers and have the best interests of the entire server at heart. Feel free to probe DMs for why they acted how they did, but don't expect them to change their decision. In addition, disrespect to the DMs will be treated severly.
5) Languages
Arenthyor is an English-based server. All "Common Tongue" language talk by characters in the Talk channel should be in English to enable those around a character to be involved in the RP dynamic. For OOC chat in Party or Tell channels, feel free to use any language you choose. Additonally, for RP languages, Arenthyor supports subrace languages. Contact a DM for more.
6) CvC vs. PvP Combat
Character vs. Character (CvC) combat is allowable provided it is treated in a respectful and RP manner. It is expected that heavy RP will preceed and coincide with any impending conflict among characters. It is expected that roleplay by a character will clearly demonstrate that conflict is imminent before conflict ensues. Encouraged, but not required, would be a tell to the effect of, "Hey, in RP, my character is about to attack yours." Failure to demonstrate intent (either through clear and convincing preceeding RP or through direct Tell may cause the conflict to be considered PvP or griefing (see below). Subdual combat mode is encouraged among characters who do engage in combat, but it is not required. In the event one character does die at the hands of another, it is required that the two characters avoid interactiom with each other for a period of time left before the next reboot. In Arenthyor, since the gods play such an important part of the world, death has consequences that should impact the RP of each character, whether that death is at the hands of a monster or a character.
Player vs. Player (PvP) combat is defined as combat that has little or no RP value or is among characters that would have no RP reason to fight or have contact with each other. PvP combat is strictly prohibited. An example of PvP combat is Player A switching characters from his level 2 Falzof, who was just killed by level 2 Bizbob,to Player A's level 15 Bagbasher and then hunting down and killing Bizbob in retaliation for Falzof's death. Another example is griefing, which is the repeated killing of a single character by another character. Both are serious offenses and will be swiftly dealt with.
If you feel like you have been attacked unfairly through PvP or griefing, submit screenshots AND unedited logfiles of your session to the DMs for adjutication. Do NOT respond in-kind. Keep to RP and avoid interactions with the offending character. If necessary, send tells, but keep the communication civil.
7) Metagaming and Powergaming
Metagaming is loosely defined as you, sitting in front of the computer, making decisions for your virtual character based on information that should be unknown to that virtual character. An example of metagaming is "muling". Muling is swapping inventory items among characters that would not or should not have reason to do so. In effect, "holding" items for you.
Powergaming is loosely defined as making choices for your character based on your knowledge of NWN, D&D, or the mechanics of the Arenthyor module without respect to the RP development of your character. For example, the decision to take Improved Expertise as a feat should be tied to the RP storythread of the character, rather than for a simple OOC decision that you want more AC because that makes you harder to hit. Ask yourself, "Did I just take Improved Expertise feat because I want an extra 10 AC points, or because I just spent the winter in the Hidden Monastery learning the art of deflection?" The former is powergaming, the latter is RP. Another example of powergaming is multiclassing. "Why did I just add 1 monk level to my level 3 fighter, for the benefits or because of the Monastary?" Choosing a second or third class should be rooted in the RP progression of your character.
8 ) The Nature of Evil
Evil is a constant and ever-present force in the world of Arenthyor. Characters that choose an evil alignment are expected to act in accordance with that alignment. Know, though, that even evil has room for roleplay. It is not acceptable to take a, 'I-am-evil-therefore-I-attack-everything-and-everyone-I-see-on-sight-without-talking-to-them" approach. Evil characters must still abide by the rules of RP and CvC combat above. By the same token, Non-evil characters are expected to recognize and respect the RP of evil characters. They are just as much a part of the world as those LG paladins.
9) Prestige Classes
Prestige classes are restricted in Arenthyor and require DM approval prior to taking them. Approach a DM if your character is preparing to take a prestige class. DMs require a challenging personal quest to be completed by the character to simulate the training or initiation required to attain such a specialized focus. Also keep in mind the RP storythread for your character. Just because you *want* to be an Arcane Archer does not mean that you will be approved to become one (that's why they're "prestige" classes, after all). DMs will be selective and restrictive when it comes to approving character prestige classes. If you want to position your character for success, he/she must maintain an RP storyline that is consistent with the need for that kind of training (see powergaming above). If your character has been persistent and consistent in their RP, then you have nothing to worry about.
9) Profanity and Sex
Absolutely, positively, no profanity or sexually explicit content will be permitted on Arenthyor at any time. If you feel the need to vent your frustration, be creative! Invent a new explicative to shout at that rogue who just absconded with your coin purse. "Come back here you, you....rothekin!" (ok, that was bad, but you get the picture). DMs will act swiftly if any inappropriate behavior occurs on the site, whether in RP or OOC.
10) Exploits
An exploit is any action, item, or element of the game that is used in a manner that is not intended within Arenthyor and results in an unfair advantage given to a player over other players or monsters. Exploits are anything that might result in more gold, items, bonuses, abilities, etc... that are obviously not within the spirit of the game. Any player seen intentionally using an exploit will be banned. Period. If it looks, feels, smells, or sounds like it's something you shouldn't be doing, don't do it.
11) Bugs
A bug is anything that is broken within the game engine that may or may not result in an unfair advantage. All exploits are bugs, but not all bugs are exploits. A specific door not opening when the correct key is used is an example of a bug that isn't an exploit. (Man, wouldn't that be unfortunate to get to the 13th level of the Temple of Booyah and then discover that the key to the Booyah's boudior didn't work??!!)
12) Reporting Abuses
Players are expected to report all bugs, exploits, or player abuses (such as PvP combat or griefing) to the DM team. Players who witness any bugs or exploits, but do not report them to the DM team, are as guilty as the player who engages in such behavior. It is the responsibility of the players to help ensure that the world of Arenthyor is fair and balanced. Submitting screenshots along with an account of the issue will result in timely action.
13) Character Names
Arenthyor is a fantasy world within a high-fantasy setting. Character names should appropriately reflect this genre. There are all manner of races that enable a wide spectrum of naming styles that can be used, but since a character's name is an integral part of the world, certain guidelines must be followed. To this end, names should avoid use of titles that infer a role or position of authority (e.g. Knight, Lord, King, Prince, Justicar, Sir) Also, players are to avoid the use of "famous" names from reality or fiction (e.g. Gandalf, Drizz't, Shakespeare). Lastly, DMs have the final word in whether your character's name is appropriate for the world of Arenthyor. As long as you keep in mind the lore of Arenthyor as descibed on the homepage and the spirit of the conventions set forth here, you should have nothing to worry about. In the event that you are required to change your name, a DM will work with you to rename your character.
These are common sense rules and make sure that everyone has the same expectations and understandings. They help ensure your enjoyment and safety while promoting a stimulating environment in which to immerse yourself.
If you have any questions, please contact a DM. If you immerse yourself in the world, adopt an RP storythread for your character and let it develop in the world of Arenthyor, these rules will take care of themselves.
1) Enjoy Yourself and Respect Others
Many different people play here and are choosing to spend some of their free time in this world. They may have different play styles, so play with respect and be flexible.
2) RP, RP, RP
Arenthyor is an RP heavy world. Take control of your character's persona and engage in the world around you. To support this environment, no Out Of Character (OOC) talking is permitted at any time in the Talk Channel. In addition, the Shout Channel is for DM use only.
3) Balance of RP
Arenthyor is intended to be a place where you can make friends as well as slay dragons in an RP environment. As such, OOC chatting is permitted in the Party Talk channel. At the same time, players should maintain at least 80% of their chatting during a session in RP, allowing for 20% to be OOC in party chat. There is no restriction on player-specific tells sent during the game.
4) The DM word is final
The DMs are here to make your time enjoyable and as immersive as possible. They are volunteers and have the best interests of the entire server at heart. Feel free to probe DMs for why they acted how they did, but don't expect them to change their decision. In addition, disrespect to the DMs will be treated severly.
5) Languages
Arenthyor is an English-based server. All "Common Tongue" language talk by characters in the Talk channel should be in English to enable those around a character to be involved in the RP dynamic. For OOC chat in Party or Tell channels, feel free to use any language you choose. Additonally, for RP languages, Arenthyor supports subrace languages. Contact a DM for more.
6) CvC vs. PvP Combat
Character vs. Character (CvC) combat is allowable provided it is treated in a respectful and RP manner. It is expected that heavy RP will preceed and coincide with any impending conflict among characters. It is expected that roleplay by a character will clearly demonstrate that conflict is imminent before conflict ensues. Encouraged, but not required, would be a tell to the effect of, "Hey, in RP, my character is about to attack yours." Failure to demonstrate intent (either through clear and convincing preceeding RP or through direct Tell may cause the conflict to be considered PvP or griefing (see below). Subdual combat mode is encouraged among characters who do engage in combat, but it is not required. In the event one character does die at the hands of another, it is required that the two characters avoid interactiom with each other for a period of time left before the next reboot. In Arenthyor, since the gods play such an important part of the world, death has consequences that should impact the RP of each character, whether that death is at the hands of a monster or a character.
Player vs. Player (PvP) combat is defined as combat that has little or no RP value or is among characters that would have no RP reason to fight or have contact with each other. PvP combat is strictly prohibited. An example of PvP combat is Player A switching characters from his level 2 Falzof, who was just killed by level 2 Bizbob,to Player A's level 15 Bagbasher and then hunting down and killing Bizbob in retaliation for Falzof's death. Another example is griefing, which is the repeated killing of a single character by another character. Both are serious offenses and will be swiftly dealt with.
If you feel like you have been attacked unfairly through PvP or griefing, submit screenshots AND unedited logfiles of your session to the DMs for adjutication. Do NOT respond in-kind. Keep to RP and avoid interactions with the offending character. If necessary, send tells, but keep the communication civil.
7) Metagaming and Powergaming
Metagaming is loosely defined as you, sitting in front of the computer, making decisions for your virtual character based on information that should be unknown to that virtual character. An example of metagaming is "muling". Muling is swapping inventory items among characters that would not or should not have reason to do so. In effect, "holding" items for you.
Powergaming is loosely defined as making choices for your character based on your knowledge of NWN, D&D, or the mechanics of the Arenthyor module without respect to the RP development of your character. For example, the decision to take Improved Expertise as a feat should be tied to the RP storythread of the character, rather than for a simple OOC decision that you want more AC because that makes you harder to hit. Ask yourself, "Did I just take Improved Expertise feat because I want an extra 10 AC points, or because I just spent the winter in the Hidden Monastery learning the art of deflection?" The former is powergaming, the latter is RP. Another example of powergaming is multiclassing. "Why did I just add 1 monk level to my level 3 fighter, for the benefits or because of the Monastary?" Choosing a second or third class should be rooted in the RP progression of your character.
8 ) The Nature of Evil
Evil is a constant and ever-present force in the world of Arenthyor. Characters that choose an evil alignment are expected to act in accordance with that alignment. Know, though, that even evil has room for roleplay. It is not acceptable to take a, 'I-am-evil-therefore-I-attack-everything-and-everyone-I-see-on-sight-without-talking-to-them" approach. Evil characters must still abide by the rules of RP and CvC combat above. By the same token, Non-evil characters are expected to recognize and respect the RP of evil characters. They are just as much a part of the world as those LG paladins.
9) Prestige Classes
Prestige classes are restricted in Arenthyor and require DM approval prior to taking them. Approach a DM if your character is preparing to take a prestige class. DMs require a challenging personal quest to be completed by the character to simulate the training or initiation required to attain such a specialized focus. Also keep in mind the RP storythread for your character. Just because you *want* to be an Arcane Archer does not mean that you will be approved to become one (that's why they're "prestige" classes, after all). DMs will be selective and restrictive when it comes to approving character prestige classes. If you want to position your character for success, he/she must maintain an RP storyline that is consistent with the need for that kind of training (see powergaming above). If your character has been persistent and consistent in their RP, then you have nothing to worry about.
9) Profanity and Sex
Absolutely, positively, no profanity or sexually explicit content will be permitted on Arenthyor at any time. If you feel the need to vent your frustration, be creative! Invent a new explicative to shout at that rogue who just absconded with your coin purse. "Come back here you, you....rothekin!" (ok, that was bad, but you get the picture). DMs will act swiftly if any inappropriate behavior occurs on the site, whether in RP or OOC.
10) Exploits
An exploit is any action, item, or element of the game that is used in a manner that is not intended within Arenthyor and results in an unfair advantage given to a player over other players or monsters. Exploits are anything that might result in more gold, items, bonuses, abilities, etc... that are obviously not within the spirit of the game. Any player seen intentionally using an exploit will be banned. Period. If it looks, feels, smells, or sounds like it's something you shouldn't be doing, don't do it.
11) Bugs
A bug is anything that is broken within the game engine that may or may not result in an unfair advantage. All exploits are bugs, but not all bugs are exploits. A specific door not opening when the correct key is used is an example of a bug that isn't an exploit. (Man, wouldn't that be unfortunate to get to the 13th level of the Temple of Booyah and then discover that the key to the Booyah's boudior didn't work??!!)
12) Reporting Abuses
Players are expected to report all bugs, exploits, or player abuses (such as PvP combat or griefing) to the DM team. Players who witness any bugs or exploits, but do not report them to the DM team, are as guilty as the player who engages in such behavior. It is the responsibility of the players to help ensure that the world of Arenthyor is fair and balanced. Submitting screenshots along with an account of the issue will result in timely action.
13) Character Names
Arenthyor is a fantasy world within a high-fantasy setting. Character names should appropriately reflect this genre. There are all manner of races that enable a wide spectrum of naming styles that can be used, but since a character's name is an integral part of the world, certain guidelines must be followed. To this end, names should avoid use of titles that infer a role or position of authority (e.g. Knight, Lord, King, Prince, Justicar, Sir) Also, players are to avoid the use of "famous" names from reality or fiction (e.g. Gandalf, Drizz't, Shakespeare). Lastly, DMs have the final word in whether your character's name is appropriate for the world of Arenthyor. As long as you keep in mind the lore of Arenthyor as descibed on the homepage and the spirit of the conventions set forth here, you should have nothing to worry about. In the event that you are required to change your name, a DM will work with you to rename your character.