Play like a pro.

Welcome to Arenthyor! We are happy to have you as a player and want to make your transition to our world as simple as possible. Starting out on any Neverwinter Nights server can be a daunting task. However, this guide will hopefully provide some key information and useful tips that will make you look like a pro so that you can concentrate on having fun and roleplaying, rather than figuring out what everything means.
With the help from our players, we've constructed a list of the top tips and tricks that they wish they'd known.
With the help from our players, we've constructed a list of the top tips and tricks that they wish they'd known.
1) Join the forums. Without a doubt, the most important tip. Let us know you are part of the Arenthyor playerbase. We'd like to help make your time here enjoyable, whether that be through inviting you to DM events or soliciting your opinions. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to jump in and post them. Register now.
2) Learn from those who have come before. Check out this forum page to get some practical advice. Some of the info may not make sense until you're actually in-game, but at least you know where you can go for some information. Searching the forums is also a great place to uncover some information. If you have questions, just ask in-game or on he forums.
3) Make it easy on yourself. Start with a pure race, such as human or elf. Once you are more comfortable with the world, you can branch out into subraces. Humans and elves are the most common and probably your best bet. As a class, avoid wizards/sorcerers as your first character (unless you're a glutton for punishment).
4) Get your gear! In the Mists of Fate, make sure you stop by the starting equipment store BEFORE you speak with Lakhesis. Once you finish your conversation with the Sister of Fate, she'll send you into the world and you'll no longer have access to this store and the cheap goodies you can buy there.
5) Oh, God! Make sure you pick a deity. The deity you serve will play an important role in your time in Arenthyor. You'll start off with a nice base of reputation, but by praying at the altar of your god, you earn even more favor from your god. You can (and should!) pray up to 3 times per day at your altar. When you die or otherwise call upon divine aid, a measure of that reputation is taken away. If your reptuation falls too low, your deity will refuse to return you to life (but that doesn't mean permadeath), so keep a close eye on this before you adventure. If a god does not have a temple in your city, there are 'makeshift' altars that you can pray to.
6) Get indoors. Quick! Once Lakhesis transports you into Arenthyor, many characters begin their journey in the middle of a hostile area. The creatures that you'll face are probably more powerful than your shiny-new character can handle. As a new player, your first adventure is to find safety. That usually means your faction city. You're never more than a few maps away, but this could end up in your death fairly easily. Don't worry, though. That's expected and you'll respawn in the temple to your god (or somewhere close by).
7) Get in position - know when you can transition. In Arenthyor, you are not able to cross from one area to another while in combat (you know you're still in combat if the combat music is still playing and your resting icon is yellowed-out). That means that in dangerous areas, you don't want to loiter near a transition point in the event you get overwhelmed and need to flee. Give yourself room to extricate yourself from the fight and flee with enough time for the game to resolve combat. Then, you'll be able to safely transition.
8) Know where to go solo. Arenthyor is intended to be a challenging server. Most areas are designed to challenge a party of adventuerers. Having said that, there are areas that are more conducive to low-level solo play. In Bastion, seek the graveyard during the daytime. In the gnome, dwarf, and halfling factions, there is an easy portal to Bastion. However, just make sure you're not in the graveyard past 6pm, as the gates get locked for the night and you don't want to be on the wrong side of them when the things-that-go-bump-in-the-night come out to go bump (in the night). The gates reopen around 6am.
9) Reach out and touch someone. Don't feel shy to send a tell to other players who are playing. We foster a friendly culture and welcome all new players. Many of us have multiple characters and likely have someone that can adventure with you and show you around.
10) Take a load off. Resting in Arenthyor is easy. You will earn a maximum of 1hp per level + your constitution bonus. You will regain bonus hitpoints if you have a bedroll and rations in your inventory (though neither of these items is mandatory). You may rest every 6 minutes (that's every 3 hours in game-time). You do have to take off medium or heavy armor and shield to rest. At the end of your rest, if you didn't regain enough hitpoints to reach full-strength, you will take some damage to set your hp to its correct amount.
2) Learn from those who have come before. Check out this forum page to get some practical advice. Some of the info may not make sense until you're actually in-game, but at least you know where you can go for some information. Searching the forums is also a great place to uncover some information. If you have questions, just ask in-game or on he forums.
3) Make it easy on yourself. Start with a pure race, such as human or elf. Once you are more comfortable with the world, you can branch out into subraces. Humans and elves are the most common and probably your best bet. As a class, avoid wizards/sorcerers as your first character (unless you're a glutton for punishment).
4) Get your gear! In the Mists of Fate, make sure you stop by the starting equipment store BEFORE you speak with Lakhesis. Once you finish your conversation with the Sister of Fate, she'll send you into the world and you'll no longer have access to this store and the cheap goodies you can buy there.
5) Oh, God! Make sure you pick a deity. The deity you serve will play an important role in your time in Arenthyor. You'll start off with a nice base of reputation, but by praying at the altar of your god, you earn even more favor from your god. You can (and should!) pray up to 3 times per day at your altar. When you die or otherwise call upon divine aid, a measure of that reputation is taken away. If your reptuation falls too low, your deity will refuse to return you to life (but that doesn't mean permadeath), so keep a close eye on this before you adventure. If a god does not have a temple in your city, there are 'makeshift' altars that you can pray to.
6) Get indoors. Quick! Once Lakhesis transports you into Arenthyor, many characters begin their journey in the middle of a hostile area. The creatures that you'll face are probably more powerful than your shiny-new character can handle. As a new player, your first adventure is to find safety. That usually means your faction city. You're never more than a few maps away, but this could end up in your death fairly easily. Don't worry, though. That's expected and you'll respawn in the temple to your god (or somewhere close by).
7) Get in position - know when you can transition. In Arenthyor, you are not able to cross from one area to another while in combat (you know you're still in combat if the combat music is still playing and your resting icon is yellowed-out). That means that in dangerous areas, you don't want to loiter near a transition point in the event you get overwhelmed and need to flee. Give yourself room to extricate yourself from the fight and flee with enough time for the game to resolve combat. Then, you'll be able to safely transition.
8) Know where to go solo. Arenthyor is intended to be a challenging server. Most areas are designed to challenge a party of adventuerers. Having said that, there are areas that are more conducive to low-level solo play. In Bastion, seek the graveyard during the daytime. In the gnome, dwarf, and halfling factions, there is an easy portal to Bastion. However, just make sure you're not in the graveyard past 6pm, as the gates get locked for the night and you don't want to be on the wrong side of them when the things-that-go-bump-in-the-night come out to go bump (in the night). The gates reopen around 6am.
9) Reach out and touch someone. Don't feel shy to send a tell to other players who are playing. We foster a friendly culture and welcome all new players. Many of us have multiple characters and likely have someone that can adventure with you and show you around.
10) Take a load off. Resting in Arenthyor is easy. You will earn a maximum of 1hp per level + your constitution bonus. You will regain bonus hitpoints if you have a bedroll and rations in your inventory (though neither of these items is mandatory). You may rest every 6 minutes (that's every 3 hours in game-time). You do have to take off medium or heavy armor and shield to rest. At the end of your rest, if you didn't regain enough hitpoints to reach full-strength, you will take some damage to set your hp to its correct amount.