Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
Domains Required: Air and Good
Description: Bahamut is the King of Good Dragons and is revered in many locales. Though all good dragons pay homage to Bahamut, gold, silver, and brass dragons hold him in particularly high regard. Even evil dragons respect him for his wisdom and power. Bahamut is stern and disapproving of evil and brooks no excuses for evil acts. He is one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse with limitless empathy for the downtrodden, dispossessed, and the helpless. He urges his followers to promote the cause of good, but to allow beings to fight their own battles as much as they can. He is typcially worshiped by dragons, but others who honor his dogma may serve. Favored Weapon is the Claw.
Domains Required: Air and Good
Description: Bahamut is the King of Good Dragons and is revered in many locales. Though all good dragons pay homage to Bahamut, gold, silver, and brass dragons hold him in particularly high regard. Even evil dragons respect him for his wisdom and power. Bahamut is stern and disapproving of evil and brooks no excuses for evil acts. He is one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse with limitless empathy for the downtrodden, dispossessed, and the helpless. He urges his followers to promote the cause of good, but to allow beings to fight their own battles as much as they can. He is typcially worshiped by dragons, but others who honor his dogma may serve. Favored Weapon is the Claw.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Good, or Neutral Evil
Domains Required: Knowledge and Magic
Boccob is the elven neutral god of magic. Boccob is a very distant deity who promotes no special agenda in the world of mortals. His titles include the "Uncaring", "Lord of All Magics", and the "Archmage of the Deities". He is typically worshiped by wizards, sorcerers, and sages. Favored weapon is the Quarter Staff.
Domains Required: Knowledge and Magic
Boccob is the elven neutral god of magic. Boccob is a very distant deity who promotes no special agenda in the world of mortals. His titles include the "Uncaring", "Lord of All Magics", and the "Archmage of the Deities". He is typically worshiped by wizards, sorcerers, and sages. Favored weapon is the Quarter Staff.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, or Chaotic Neutral
Domains Required: War and Protection
Corellon Larethian is the god of the elves. He is the governor of all things esteemed among elves. He is known as the "Creator of the Elves", the "Protector", "Protector and Preserver of Life", and "Ruler of ALL Elves". His nemesis is Gruumsh, and it is due to Corellon's battle skills that Gruumsh is called "One-Eye." Elves and bards worship him. Favored weapon is the Longsword.
Domains Required: War and Protection
Corellon Larethian is the god of the elves. He is the governor of all things esteemed among elves. He is known as the "Creator of the Elves", the "Protector", "Protector and Preserver of Life", and "Ruler of ALL Elves". His nemesis is Gruumsh, and it is due to Corellon's battle skills that Gruumsh is called "One-Eye." Elves and bards worship him. Favored weapon is the Longsword.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
Domains Required: Animal and Plant
Ehlonna is the elven goddess of the woodlands. She is called "Ehlonna of the Forests". Ehlonna watches over all good people who live in the forest, love the woodlands, or make their livelihood there. She is favored by all fey, including elves and pixies. She is also worshiped by rangers and some druids. Favored weapon is the Longsword.
Domains Required: Animal and Plant
Ehlonna is the elven goddess of the woodlands. She is called "Ehlonna of the Forests". Ehlonna watches over all good people who live in the forest, love the woodlands, or make their livelihood there. She is favored by all fey, including elves and pixies. She is also worshiped by rangers and some druids. Favored weapon is the Longsword.

Alignments: Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil
Domains Required: War and Trickery
Erythnul is the god of slaughter. Erythnul is called "The Many" due to the various forms he takes including that of a barbarian, gnoll, bugbear, ogre, and troll. He delights in panic and slaughter. Favored weapon is the Morningstar.
Domains Required: War and Trickery
Erythnul is the god of slaughter. Erythnul is called "The Many" due to the various forms he takes including that of a barbarian, gnoll, bugbear, ogre, and troll. He delights in panic and slaughter. Favored weapon is the Morningstar.

Alignments: Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Neutral
Domains Required: Protection and Travel
Fharlanghn is the god of the roads. He is called "Dweller on the Horizon". His shrines are common on well used roads. Bards and other wandering adventurers and merchants favor him. Favored weapon is the Quarterstaff.
Domains Required: Protection and Travel
Fharlanghn is the god of the roads. He is called "Dweller on the Horizon". His shrines are common on well used roads. Bards and other wandering adventurers and merchants favor him. Favored weapon is the Quarterstaff.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral
Domains Required: Protection and Trickery
Garl Glittergold is the god of the Gnomes. He is known as the "Joker", the "Watchful Protector", the "Priceless Gem", and the "Sparkling Wit". Garl Glittergold discovered the gnomes and led them into the world. He governs humor, wit, gemcutting, and jewelrymaking. He is also renowned for the jokes and pranks he pulls on the other deities. His favored weapon is the battleaxe.
Domains Required: Protection and Trickery
Garl Glittergold is the god of the Gnomes. He is known as the "Joker", the "Watchful Protector", the "Priceless Gem", and the "Sparkling Wit". Garl Glittergold discovered the gnomes and led them into the world. He governs humor, wit, gemcutting, and jewelrymaking. He is also renowned for the jokes and pranks he pulls on the other deities. His favored weapon is the battleaxe.

Alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil
Domains Required: War and Strength
Gruumsh is the god of orcs. He is known as "One-Eye" and "He-Who-Never-Sleeps". He expects his followers to be strong, to cull the weak from their numbers, and to take all territory that Gruumsh thinks is rightfully theirs. His greatest hatred is for Corellon Larethian, Moradin, and their followers. Favored weapon is spear.
Domains Required: War and Strength
Gruumsh is the god of orcs. He is known as "One-Eye" and "He-Who-Never-Sleeps". He expects his followers to be strong, to cull the weak from their numbers, and to take all territory that Gruumsh thinks is rightfully theirs. His greatest hatred is for Corellon Larethian, Moradin, and their followers. Favored weapon is spear.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, True Neutral
Domains Required: Good and War
Heironeous is the god of valor. His title is "The Invincible". He promotes justice, valor, chivalry, and honor. He is worshiped by paladins, good fighters, and good monks. Favored weapon is the longsword.
Domains Required: Good and War
Heironeous is the god of valor. His title is "The Invincible". He promotes justice, valor, chivalry, and honor. He is worshiped by paladins, good fighters, and good monks. Favored weapon is the longsword.

Alignments: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil
Domains Required: Destruction and War
Hextor is the god of tyranny. He is known as the "Champion of Evil", "Herald of Hell", and "Scourge of Battle". Hextor is the sixarmed god of war, conflict, and destruction. He is worshiped by evil fighters and monks. He sends his followers to commit evils and overthrow the followers of Heironeous, his half-brother, when they are found. Favored weapon is the flail.
Domains Required: Destruction and War
Hextor is the god of tyranny. He is known as the "Champion of Evil", "Herald of Hell", and "Scourge of Battle". Hextor is the sixarmed god of war, conflict, and destruction. He is worshiped by evil fighters and monks. He sends his followers to commit evils and overthrow the followers of Heironeous, his half-brother, when they are found. Favored weapon is the flail.

Alignments: Lawful Evil
Domains Required: Knowledge and Magic
The Hive Mind is the sole guiding entity of the illithid race. It is the central source of all information collected by the illithids in their eternal quest for complete knowledge. It is sentient and while not a true divine immortal, it does bequeath powers similar to those of gods, in that the knowledge shared provides insights and deductions that give followers advantages over others. Only illithids may serve the Hive Mind.
Domains Required: Knowledge and Magic
The Hive Mind is the sole guiding entity of the illithid race. It is the central source of all information collected by the illithids in their eternal quest for complete knowledge. It is sentient and while not a true divine immortal, it does bequeath powers similar to those of gods, in that the knowledge shared provides insights and deductions that give followers advantages over others. Only illithids may serve the Hive Mind.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
Domains Required: Good and Strength
Kord is the god of strength. He is known as "The Brawler". Kord is patron of athletes. His worshipers include good fighters, barbarians, and rogues. Favored weapon is the greatsword.
Domains Required: Good and Strength
Kord is the god of strength. He is known as "The Brawler". Kord is patron of athletes. His worshipers include good fighters, barbarians, and rogues. Favored weapon is the greatsword.

Alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Evil
Domains Required: Destruction and Evil
Lolth is the Spider Goddess. She is known also as the "Queen of the Drow" and the "Queen of the Demonweb Pits". Lolth is the matron goddess of the drow. her worshipers include any and all drow. Her favored weapon is the Whip.
Domains Required: Destruction and Evil
Lolth is the Spider Goddess. She is known also as the "Queen of the Drow" and the "Queen of the Demonweb Pits". Lolth is the matron goddess of the drow. her worshipers include any and all drow. Her favored weapon is the Whip.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral
Domains Required: Good and Earth
Moradin is the god of dwarves. Moradin is also known as the "Soul Forger", "Dwarffather", the "All-Father", and the Creator. His domains are Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. Favored weapon is the warhammer.
Domains Required: Good and Earth
Moradin is the god of dwarves. Moradin is also known as the "Soul Forger", "Dwarffather", the "All-Father", and the Creator. His domains are Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. Favored weapon is the warhammer.

Alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil
Domains Required: Death and Evil
Nerull is the god of death. He is known as the "Reaper", the "Foe of All Good", "Hater of Life", "Bringer of Darkness", "King of All Gloom", and "Reaper of Flesh". He is the patron of those who seek the greatest evil for their own enjoyment or gain. His worshipers include evil necromancers, rogues, and he is often depicted as an almost skeletal figure cloaked and bearing a scythe. Favored weapon is the scythe.
Domains Required: Death and Evil
Nerull is the god of death. He is known as the "Reaper", the "Foe of All Good", "Hater of Life", "Bringer of Darkness", "King of All Gloom", and "Reaper of Flesh". He is the patron of those who seek the greatest evil for their own enjoyment or gain. His worshipers include evil necromancers, rogues, and he is often depicted as an almost skeletal figure cloaked and bearing a scythe. Favored weapon is the scythe.

Alignments: Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Neutral
Domains Required: Air and Water
Obad-Hai is the god of nature. Also known as "Shalm", Obad-Hai rules nature and wilderness. He is friend to all who live in harmony with the natural world. Barbarians, rangers, and druids sometimes worship him. He is a rival of Ehlonna. Favored weapon is the quarterstaff.
Domains Required: Air and Water
Obad-Hai is the god of nature. Also known as "Shalm", Obad-Hai rules nature and wilderness. He is friend to all who live in harmony with the natural world. Barbarians, rangers, and druids sometimes worship him. He is a rival of Ehlonna. Favored weapon is the quarterstaff.

Alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Evil
Domains Required: Protection and Trickery
Olidammara is the god of rogues. His title is the "Laughing Rogue". He delights in wine, women, and song. There are very few temples to Olidammara as his worshipers often remember him by raising a drink to his name instead of organized services. Rogues and bards are typically his worshipers. Favored weapon is the rapier.
Domains Required: Protection and Trickery
Olidammara is the god of rogues. His title is the "Laughing Rogue". He delights in wine, women, and song. There are very few temples to Olidammara as his worshipers often remember him by raising a drink to his name instead of organized services. Rogues and bards are typically his worshipers. Favored weapon is the rapier.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, True Neutral, or Chaotic Good
Domains Required: Healing and Sun
Pelor is the god of the sun. His title is the "Shining One". Pelor is the creator of many good things and a supporter of those in need. Pelor is an adversary of all evil. He is the most commonly worshiped deity among humans. Rangers and bards are found among his worshipers as well. Favored weapon is the mace.
Domains Required: Healing and Sun
Pelor is the god of the sun. His title is the "Shining One". Pelor is the creator of many good things and a supporter of those in need. Pelor is an adversary of all evil. He is the most commonly worshiped deity among humans. Rangers and bards are found among his worshipers as well. Favored weapon is the mace.

Alignments: Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral
Domains Required: Destruction and Strength
St. Cuthbert is the god of retribution. He is known as "St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel". He exacts revenge and just punishment on those who transgress the law. Since evil creatures most often violate the law, he favors those of good a bit more than those of evil. Favored weapon is the mace.
Domains Required: Destruction and Strength
St. Cuthbert is the god of retribution. He is known as "St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel". He exacts revenge and just punishment on those who transgress the law. Since evil creatures most often violate the law, he favors those of good a bit more than those of evil. Favored weapon is the mace.

Alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil
Domains Required: Fire and Evil
Tiamat is the Queen of Evil Dragons. Like Bahamut, her rival, Tiamat is revered in many locales. Those who most typically worship her are the green and blue dragons. She urges her followers to spread evil, destroy good, and propagate evil dragons. She is a villain who works from the shadows, as her presence often felt but seldom seen. Her following is even smaller than that of Bahamut, and the few shrines she does have are usually found in gloomy caverns. Favored weapon is the Claw.
Domains Required: Fire and Evil
Tiamat is the Queen of Evil Dragons. Like Bahamut, her rival, Tiamat is revered in many locales. Those who most typically worship her are the green and blue dragons. She urges her followers to spread evil, destroy good, and propagate evil dragons. She is a villain who works from the shadows, as her presence often felt but seldom seen. Her following is even smaller than that of Bahamut, and the few shrines she does have are usually found in gloomy caverns. Favored weapon is the Claw.

Alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil
Domains Required: Evil and Knowledge
Vecna is the god of secrets. He is known as the "Maimed Lord", the "Whispered One", and the "Master of All That is Secret and Hidden". His domains are Evil, Knowledge, and Magic. He usually appears as a lich who is missing his left hand and left eye. He lost his hand and eye in a fight with his traitorous leiutenant, Kas. Favored weapon is the dagger.
Domains Required: Evil and Knowledge
Vecna is the god of secrets. He is known as the "Maimed Lord", the "Whispered One", and the "Master of All That is Secret and Hidden". His domains are Evil, Knowledge, and Magic. He usually appears as a lich who is missing his left hand and left eye. He lost his hand and eye in a fight with his traitorous leiutenant, Kas. Favored weapon is the dagger.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Lawful Evil
Domains Required: Death and Magic
Wee Jas is the goddess of death and magic. Her titles are "Witch Goddess", "Ruby Sorceress", "Stern Lady", and "Death's Guardian". She is a demanding goddess who expects obedience from her followers. There are few temples to Wee Jas, but many powerful sorcerers and wizards are among here followers. Favored weapon is the dagger.
Domains Required: Death and Magic
Wee Jas is the goddess of death and magic. Her titles are "Witch Goddess", "Ruby Sorceress", "Stern Lady", and "Death's Guardian". She is a demanding goddess who expects obedience from her followers. There are few temples to Wee Jas, but many powerful sorcerers and wizards are among here followers. Favored weapon is the dagger.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, True Neutral, or Chaotic Good
Domains Required: Good and Protection
Yondalla is the goddess of halflings. Her titles include the "Protector and Provider", the "Nurturing Matriarch", and the "Blessed One". Her followers hope to lead a safe, prosperous life. Favored weapon is the short sword.
Domains Required: Good and Protection
Yondalla is the goddess of halflings. Her titles include the "Protector and Provider", the "Nurturing Matriarch", and the "Blessed One". Her followers hope to lead a safe, prosperous life. Favored weapon is the short sword.