Be in the know.
Arenthyor Players HandbookReady to get in-game? Take a moment to review the following pages to find out more about the world lore of Arenthyor and a wealth of knowledge that will help you create your character. Some of this differs from how the original Neverwinter Nights game works (all of it for the better, we think!).
New Player Guide - Get great tips for new players...from new players! Arenthyor World Lore - Learn the common lore about the world of Arenthyor. World Map - Check out what the world of Arenthyor looks like (as far as you know, at least...) House Rules - A MUST READ to understand the basic rules of playing on the Arenthyor server Customizations - Review key changes to the Neverwinter Nights engine that are in effect in the Arenthyor server that may impact your character Subraces - Learn about all the subraces that you can play Races and the Gods - Learn what races can serve each deity Pantheon - Learn more about each of the deities that have followers in Arenthyor Destiny Defined - Find out more about what Destiny means in Arenthyor and the options your character has available Emotes and Languages - Learn about the racial languages and special commands to add depth to your character's roleplay |