Your race affects who you can worship.
The Arenthyor pantheon and how follower/cleric/deity relations work in this realm are intended to be close to the 3E D&D game. You must adhere to these guidelines if you expect to be able to function as a cleric or worship at a church. Additionally, not all gods have temples readily available.
Here are the rules you MUST follow for your PC to be able to join a church:
1) You must be of a race or subrace that is acceptable to the deity.
2) You must be of an alignment that is acceptable to the deity.
3) If a cleric or other divine spellcaster (paladin, blackguard, champion of Torm, etc...) you must adhere to the domains of the deity.
4) There may be other requirements of the deity (e.g. to be a cleric of Lolth, you must be female)
Here are the rules you MUST follow for your PC to be able to join a church:
1) You must be of a race or subrace that is acceptable to the deity.
2) You must be of an alignment that is acceptable to the deity.
3) If a cleric or other divine spellcaster (paladin, blackguard, champion of Torm, etc...) you must adhere to the domains of the deity.
4) There may be other requirements of the deity (e.g. to be a cleric of Lolth, you must be female)
All drow in this realm worship Lolth. There are no exceptions. Further, you must be female to be a cleric of Lolth.
Most Dwarves worship Moradin, the creator god of dwarves. The exceptions would be rare and need a well developed storyline.
Other deities a dwarf 'could' be a follower or cleric for include: Bahmut, Erythnul, Hextor, Kord, Obad-Hai, and Tiamat.
Most Elves Worship Corellon Larethian, the creator god of elves. The notable exceptions would be Boccob or Ehlonna. Other exceptions would be rate rare and should be accompanied by a well developed storyline. Other deities an elf could be a follower or cleric for include: Bahamut, Fharlanghn, Heironeous, Hextor, Nerull, Obad-Hai, Olidammara, Pelor, St. Cuthbert, Tiamat, Vecna, and Wee Jas.
Most Gnomes worship Garl Glittergold, the creator god of gnomes. The exceptions would be rare and should be accompanied by a well developed storyline. Other deities a gnome 'could' be cleric for include: Fharlanghn, Hextor, Obad-Hai, Olidammara, and Tiamat.
Half-elves, for the most part, share the human range of deities while being shunned by their elven brethren and deities. The deities a half-elf could be a follower or cleric for include: Bahmut, Fharlanghn, Heironeous, Hextor, Kord, Nerull, Obad-Hai, Olidammara, Pelor, St. Cuthbert, Tiamat, Vecna, and Wee Jas.
Most Halflings worship Yondalla, the creator goddess of halflings. Other deities a halfling 'could' be a follower or cleric for include: Bahamut, Fharlanghn, Hextor, Obad-Hai, and Olidammara, and Tiamat.
Humans have the most diverse range of deities they can worship or be clerics for: Bahmut, Erythnul, Fharlanghn, Heironeous, Hextor, Kord, Nerull, Obad-Hai, Olidammara, Pelor, St. Cuthbert, Tiamat, Vecna, and Wee Jas.