Hey! I wanna be an ogre!
Ok, sure, in Arenthyor you can be an ogre, or a stone giant, or a grimlock (whatever a grimlock is..), or any one of the many subraces that give you tremendous opportunity to explore different roleplay situations.
Cool! How do I do it!
1) During character creation, choose your race
2) Then, click on the "Subrace" button underneath all the races
3) Write in the name of a subrace that is appropriate for the "base" race of your character.
That's it. Finito.
Know this, though. Arenthyor is an RP world, which means you'll have to roleplay your subrace. For many subraces, that means shunning the civilized world. What human city would openly allow a goblin to walk through the gates, eh? This doesn't mean that you can't be that exception, but too many exceptions make the exception the rule and then the rule becomes the exception...and that makes the DM's collective head hurt.
Also, each subrace comes with its own pros and cons. Additionally, the Encounter Level (ECL) of the subrace may be higher than your actual level as a result of special powers that you are given. This will result in slower leveling and encounters that may be harder than you are prepared for.
See below for the list of appropriate "base" race and subrace combinations. Click on the link to find out more about that subrace.
Cool! How do I do it!
1) During character creation, choose your race
2) Then, click on the "Subrace" button underneath all the races
3) Write in the name of a subrace that is appropriate for the "base" race of your character.
That's it. Finito.
Know this, though. Arenthyor is an RP world, which means you'll have to roleplay your subrace. For many subraces, that means shunning the civilized world. What human city would openly allow a goblin to walk through the gates, eh? This doesn't mean that you can't be that exception, but too many exceptions make the exception the rule and then the rule becomes the exception...and that makes the DM's collective head hurt.
Also, each subrace comes with its own pros and cons. Additionally, the Encounter Level (ECL) of the subrace may be higher than your actual level as a result of special powers that you are given. This will result in slower leveling and encounters that may be harder than you are prepared for.
See below for the list of appropriate "base" race and subrace combinations. Click on the link to find out more about that subrace.
Base Race: DWARF
Gold Dwarf, Shield Dwarf (standard dwarf), Gray Dwarf (or Duergar), Deep Dwarf, Azer
Gold Dwarf, Shield Dwarf (standard dwarf), Gray Dwarf (or Duergar), Deep Dwarf, Azer
Base Race: ELF
Centaur, Drow/Dark Elf, Mind Flayer/Illithid, Wild Elf, Moon Elf, Sun Elf, Wood Elf, Gray Elf, Satyr, Pixie
Centaur, Drow/Dark Elf, Mind Flayer/Illithid, Wild Elf, Moon Elf, Sun Elf, Wood Elf, Gray Elf, Satyr, Pixie
Base Race: GNOME
Rock Gnome, Svirfneblin (or Deep Gnome), Forest Gnome
Rock Gnome, Svirfneblin (or Deep Gnome), Forest Gnome
Base Race: HALFELF
Hound Archon, Aasimar, Changeling, Dracotaur, Dragonkin, Githyanki, Githzerai, Goat Folk, Harssaf, Kenku, Tiefling, Air Genasi, Earth Genasi, Fire Genasi, Water Genasi, Janni, Rakshasa, Yuan-Ti
Hound Archon, Aasimar, Changeling, Dracotaur, Dragonkin, Githyanki, Githzerai, Goat Folk, Harssaf, Kenku, Tiefling, Air Genasi, Earth Genasi, Fire Genasi, Water Genasi, Janni, Rakshasa, Yuan-Ti
Deep Halfling, Forestkith-Goblin, Ghostwise, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Lightfoot (standard halfling), Lumi, Nycter, Poison Dusk, Strongheart, Tallfellow
Deep Halfling, Forestkith-Goblin, Ghostwise, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Lightfoot (standard halfling), Lumi, Nycter, Poison Dusk, Strongheart, Tallfellow
Base Race: HALFORC
Armand, Bugbear, Doppelganger, Gargoyle, Gnoll, Grimlock, Hill Giant, Lizardfolk, Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Sand Giant, Stone Giant, Troglodyte, Troll, Skullcrusher, Half-Dragon, Flind
Armand, Bugbear, Doppelganger, Gargoyle, Gnoll, Grimlock, Hill Giant, Lizardfolk, Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Sand Giant, Stone Giant, Troglodyte, Troll, Skullcrusher, Half-Dragon, Flind
Base Race: HUMAN
Subraces: None
Subraces: None